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M7130 - Geometrické algoritmy

název aktualizace velikost downloads
typ souboru M7130-m7130-zkouska-09-01-2017.txt 22.02.2017 1.21 KB 122
Zadání zkouškové písemky 9. ledna 2017
typ souboru M7130-geometricke-algoritmy-vypisky.7z 09.07.2013 6.93 MB 274
snad to někomu pomůže..
typ souboru M7130-geometricke-algoritmy.tif 09.02.2010 6.63 MB 775
poznamky - podzim 2009 - bez prvni a posledni prednasky
typ souboru M7130-computational-geometry-algorithms- 20.01.2010 3.23 MB 670
This well-accepted introduction to computational geometry is a textbook for high-level undergraduate and low-level graduate courses. The focus is on algorithms and hence the book is well suited for students in computer science and engineering. Motivation is provided from the application areas: all solutions and techniques from computational geometry are related to particular applications in robotics, graphics, CAD/CAM, and geographic information systems. For students this motivation will be especially welcome. Modern insights in computational geometry are used to provide solutions that are both efficient and easy to understand and implement. All the basic techniques and topics from computational geometry, as well as several more advanced topics, are covered. The book is largely self-contained and can be used for self-study by anyone with a basic background in algorithms. In this third edition, besides revisions to the second edition, new sections discussing Voronoi diagrams of line segments, farthest-point Voronoi diagrams, and realistic input models have been added. Product Details * Hardcover: 386 pages * Publisher: Springer; 3rd edition (April 16, 2008) * Language: English * ISBN-10: 3540779736 * ISBN-13: 978-3540779735
typ souboru M7130_Computational_Geometry.pdf 25.06.2008 8.00 MB 954
typ souboru M7130_pisemka_21_01_2008.jpg 22.01.2008 230.52 KB 1908
typ souboru M7130_pisemka_08_01_2008.jpg 08.01.2008 482.36 KB 1553
typ souboru M7130_zapisky_podzim2007.pdf 19.12.2007 8.00 MB 1218
zapisky podzim2007 od dobrodince (Vít Baisa)